Source: ESF-Verwaltungsbehörde Hamburg
Teaching digital media competence
project term: 01.01.2020 - 31.1.22024

Sub-project 1: "FAMM - questions, answers, media making"
Young people, especially those with social disadvantages, receive media education offers that offer them more protection, empowerment and participation in the digital world. The project accompanies young people in the creation and publication of their own digital contributions during the workshops. The project participants acquire basic technical knowledge in mobile reporting, learn a narrative style adapted to the type of media and gain insights into personality, data protection and media law aspects
Sub-project 2: "Access all areas - Triple A OKJA"
The project qualifies full-time specialists in open child and youth work in media education and advises them professionally on how to deal with digitization in relation to the existing educational facility concepts.
On the one hand, the project supports the global guideline "Socialspatial offers for youth and family welfare" and, on the other, the "Digitization Strategy for Hamburg" adopted by the Senate in 2020 in the field of action "Transformation and cultural change".
TIDE – Hamburgs Bürger:innensender + Ausbildungskanal
Finkenau 35
22081 Hamburg
Projektleitung Teilprojekt 1: Gabriela Veliz Lopez
Tel.: (040) 325 9903-51
Projektleitung Teilprojekt 2: Dr. Nico Nolden
Tel.: +49 40 428 63 - 5200
Cooperation partner: Sozialpädagogisches Fortbildungszentrum (SPFZ)
ESF Plus Teilprojekt Medienkompetenz OKJA