Source: ESF-Verwaltungsbehörde Hamburg
Social Employment Projects in Altona
KoALA e.V.
Project term: 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2024
The project “Social Employment Projects in Altona” by KoALA e.V. promotes the inclusion of groups in receipt of SGB II benefits using the funding instrument set out in Section 16i SGB II (“Participation in the labour market”) Participants are given the prospect of finding employment subject to social security contributions and becoming more employable in the general labour market over the longer term. In addition, funding is provided for part-time employment opportunities for individuals in receipt of SGB II benefits as an initial, low-threshold entry point to further job centre support programmes (Tagwerk). In addition, the project supports participation in non-profit organisations.
In the district of Altona, social support programmes are offered, including support workers (“Helpslüüd”) and meals at a neighbourhood canteen with a soup kitchen (“La Cantina/Soup kitchen”), which contribute to improving life in the community and strengthening social infrastructure for disadvantaged groups. In the funding area Osdorfer Born/Lurup of the Framework Integrated Urban Development Hamburg (RISE), participants who receive benefits according to Sec. 16i of the SGB II serve as support workers in the project “LuBiene Support Work KoALA”.
Project lead: Neşe Wagner
Kleine Rainstraße 29
22765 Hamburg
P: +49 40 / 380 87 19 59