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Source: ESF-Verwaltungsbehörde Hamburg

Servicepoint GIT 2017

Project term: 01.01.2017 - 31.12.2024

Mann bedient einen Handhubwagen im Lager
© shutterstock

The “Servicepoint GIT 2017” makes resources related to the accompanying and qualification of publicly funded employees available to employers. It also supports specific employment projects within the framework of cooperation. It thus supplements and supports publicly funded employment under the provisions of Art. 16i and 16e Vol II of the German Social Code (SGB II). The objective is to stabilize and qualify former long-term unemployed people, thus integrating them into the market for non-funded employment subject to social security contributions.

The “Servicepoint GIT 2017” supports the 2015-2020 Joint Employment Market Programme set up by the Hamburg Employment Agency; the JobCentre - and the Ministry of Labour, Social and Family Affairs and Integration.

Project lead: Jörn Parizot
Wendenstraße 493
20537 Hamburg

P: +49 40 / 211 12 392