Source: ESF-Verwaltungsbehörde Hamburg
Professional integration of people affected by violence
verikom gGmbH
Project term: 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2024
"Professional integration of people affected by violence" targets people who are victims of domestic, family or sexualised violence and/or forced marriage or human trafficking and have received assistance from the Hamburg victim protection system.
The project supports their professional (re-)integration by offering individual coaching for professional (re-)orientation and mediate in suitable employment, training, qualifying or integrative measures. It provides a valuable contribution towards implementing the Hamburg Senate’s “Concept to combat violence against women and girls, human trafficking, and violence in the care system” (victim protection concept).
Project lead: Anne-Gaëlle Rocher
Norderreihe 61
22767 Hamburg
P.: 040 / 350 17 72 40