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Unternehmer ohne Grenzen e. V.
Project term: 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2024

Mann mit Schürze vor gefüllten Regalen in einem Einkaufsladen
© Tyler Olson/

The project “LocalActive” aims to train the owners of small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), their employees, freelancers, and startups, especially those from immigrant backgrounds.

Targeted qualification programmes for specific industries, with a focus on digitalization, help to better tap the local economic potential and better cope with business challenges.

In addition, the project is managed in the neighbourhoods in which it is active, thus tapping local potential and promoting neighbourhood centres.

The “LocalActive” project team is located in the following Hamburg regions: Lurup, Osdorfer Born/Lurup, Harburg city centre/Eißendorf-Ost, Wilstorf/Reeseberg.

“LocalActive” supports the Framework Integrated Urban Development Hamburg (RISE).

Project lead: Kazim Abaci
Neuer Kamp 30
20357 Hamburg

P: +49 40 / 431 830 63

project flyer