Source: ESF-Verwaltungsbehörde Hamburg
Learning at School and at Work
Hamburger Institut für Berufliche Bildung
Project term: 01.01.2022 - 31.12.2025

The project "Learning at School and at Work" is aimed at young people in practical classes at local comprehensive schools ("Stadtteilschulen") who do not receive funding according to § 49 SGB III. The aim of the project is to enable the target group to switch to an apprenticeship after the end of general schooling.
For this purpose, the young people attend so-called practical classes at local comprehensive schools, which are characterized by the fact that the young people complete an internship in a company in addition to the school lessons at school. The working experiences are systematically reflected at school. Teachers act as mentors and contact persons for the young people and support them, for example, in the search for and application for an internship or through regular visits to the company.
The concept is being tested as a model for a limited period and is aimed at building suitable structures so that, if the project is successful, practical classes will be a regular feature at local comprehensive schools from the school year 2025/26.
The project supports the Hamburg Strategy to Meet Requirements for Skilled Labour.
Project lead: Thomas von Fintel
Hamburger Straße 131
22083 Hamburg
P: +49 40 / 428 63 9087