Source: ESF-Verwaltungsbehörde Hamburg
Job Coach Hamburg for parents without a professional qualification
einfal GmbH
Project term: 01.01.2021 - 31.12.2024
“Job Coach Hamburg for parents without a professional qualification” supports the professional (re-)entry of poorly qualified parents without recognised professional training, regardless of whether they receive SGB II benefits. The measure can start after or during parental leave and offers individual coaching and assistance for writing informative applications, and helps participants find training opportunities near their homes, and provides assistance with the organisation of childcare. Significant factors such as (excessive) debt, housing and health problems are included in the coaching process.
“Job Coaching Hamburg” is part of the Joint Employment Market Programme set up by the Hamburg Employment Agency, the job centre - and the Ministry of Labour, Health, Social, Family Affairs and Integration for the period 2015–2020 and contributes to the Hamburg framework programme to enhance gender equality and the Hamburg Strategy to Meet Requirements for Skilled Labour.
Project lead: Beate Balzer
Am Stadtrand 39
22047 Hamburg
P: +49 40 / 33 42 21 98