Source: ESF-Verwaltungsbehörde Hamburg
Hamburg Further Training Bonus PLUS
Project term: 01.07.2023 - 31.12.2024

The Hamburg Further Training Bonus PLUS funds additional training courses for different target groups and provides information on suitable qualifying measures. The flexible subsidy for further training is approved quickly and unbureaucratically as long as employers confirm that the measure is required for the applicant’s career advancement. If needed, individual coaching on qualification options is also available. Coaches work together with clients to make an education plan containing the topics and goals of qualifying courses and clarify funding issues. The Hamburg Further Training Bonus PLUS is primarily aimed at poorly qualified and unqualified workers and employees who receive supplementary SGB II social benefits. In this way, tailor-made training offers can also be developed for companies and their employees.
The project team also advises on further qualification offers such as
- coaching for employees and self-employed in the creative industries
- language training
The project supports the Hamburg Strategy to Meet Requirements for Skilled Labour, the Hamburg Senate’s digitalization strategy and the Masterplan for Hamburg’s skilled trades sector.
service hotline: 040 / 334 63 21 - 11
Project lead: Peter Holst-Glöss
Mühlendamm 61
22087 Hamburg
P: +49 40 / 334 63 21-21