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Source: ESF-Verwaltungsbehörde Hamburg

Opportunity Generator – Establishing Career Prospects

AWO AQtivus gGmbH 
Project term: 01.03.2021 - 31.12.2024

Chancengenerator- Begleitung junger Geflüchteter U25
© Shutterstock/William Perugini

The project “Opportunity Generator – Establishing Career Prospects” assists young refugees or young people from immigrant families aged 18 and 25 in their social and professional integration and the development of their career prospects. “Tolerated” refugees, in particular, can take advantage of the “3+2 ruling” to participate in the dual vocational training system, thus greatly improving their residency status. The “Opportunity Generator” introduces young people from immigrant families and refugees to the training and employment market by offering individual support. The aim is to promote active inclusion in view of improving equal opportunities, active participation, and employability. Project staff build up a stable and supportive relationship to the young adults, introducing them to the opportunities that vocational training has to offer compared to unskilled work. The project is implemented by AQtivus, which sees itself as a service provider for the Youth Employment Agency (Jugendberufsagentur) Hamburg. The project contributes to the implementation of Hamburg’s integration concept and supports the Hamburg Strategy to Meet Requirements for Skilled Labour.

Project lead: Shamshad Sabah-Popal
Adenauerallee 10
20097 Hamburg

P: +49 40 / 28 40 72 100, +49 40 / 54 09 049 20