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Source: ESF-Verwaltungsbehörde Hamburg

School Mentors – Hand in Hand for Strong Schools

Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung (BSB) &
Koordinierungsstelle Weiterbildung und Beschäftigung e. V. (KWB)

Project term: 01.04.2021 - 31.12.2024

Ein Kind umzeichnet seine Hand mit einem Bleistift auf buntem Papier.
© Jens Hannewald

The project “School Mentors – Hand in Hand for Strong Schools” provides pupils with support for setting up a mentoring system and offers seminars, workshops, and online modules to train pupils and parents to become mentors. These mentors help pupils – especially those from immigrant families – to improve their educational opportunities. School mentors act as role models for their peers; parent mentors help other parents with important school issues.

The project School Mentors is part of the +23 STARKE SCHULEN school development programme set up by the Hamburg Ministry of School and Vocational Education (BSB). It aims to support schools in socially challenging situations.​​

Project leads:

Behörde für Schule und Berufsbildung
Eric Vaccaro
Winterhuder Weg 29
22085 Hamburg

Koordinierungsstelle Weiterbildung und Beschäftigung e. V.
Dr. Alexei Medvedev
Kapstadtring 10
22297 Hamburg

Homepage Schulmentoren (BSB)
SchulMentoren – Hand in Hand für starke Schulen - (KWB)

Project flyer "Schulmentoren"